The World Tarot Card: Exploring its Meaning and Symbolism

The world tarot card

Overview of The World Tarot Card

The World is the last card of the Major Arcana. It shows a naked woman surrounded by a wreath or a circle. She holds two batons or wands. Decks often depict the figure dancing, showing movement and completion.

The World card represents reaching a goal, ending a journey or completing a cycle. It signifies the achievement of success and fulfillment after a long and arduous journey. It is a card of completion, wholeness, and harmony, suggesting that everything is in balance and aligned.

The world tarot card - Rider Waite pack
Correspondences for The World Tarot Card
Element:Earth – representing stability, grounding, and manifestation
Astrological Sign:Saturn – representing discipline, responsibility, and mastery
Numerology:21 – reducing to the number 3, representing creativity, expression, and manifestation
Colors:Purple – representing royalty, spirituality, and intuition, and green – representing growth, abundance, and harmony
Plants:Laurel – representing victory and achievement, and oak – representing strength and longevity
Crystals:Clear quartz – representing clarity and amplification, and garnet – representing manifestation and success
Keywords:Completion – representing the end of a cycle and the attainment of a goal, wholeness – representing integration and balance, fulfillment – representing the realization of one’s desires and dreams, harmony – representing the balance of all elements and aspects of life, success – representing achievement and mastery, unity – representing the interconnectedness of all things
Direction:Center – representing balance and integration
Mythology/Symbolism:Dancing figure (representing the integration of all aspects of life), mandorla (representing the merging of opposites), four evangelists (representing the four elements), and/or the four fixed signs of the zodiac (representing stability and completion)
Associated Deities:Gaia (earth goddess), Atlas (god of endurance and strength), and/or Saturn/Cronus (god of time and cycles)
Corresponding Chakra:Crown – representing connection to the divine and spiritual enlightenment

Symbolism of The World Tarot Card:

The World card is rich in symbolism, and each element holds its own significance. Below are important symbols and their meanings:

  • The Dancing Figure: She represents the integration of opposites and the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind. Her dance symbolizes the rhythm of life and the cyclical nature of the universe.
  • The Wreath: A wreath or a laurel surrounds the figure, symbolizing victory, accomplishment, and achievement. It symbolizes journey’s end, success, and goal attainment.
  • The Four Figures in the Corners: These figures represent the four fixed signs of the zodiac, namely Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. They symbolize stability, balance, and the four elements – earth, water, air, and fire.

Meaning of The World Tarot Card:

The World card represents completion, fulfillment, and wholeness. It signifies the end of a journey and the attainment of a goal. It is a card of celebration, victory, and accomplishment.

They have completed their journey and are now prepared for the next phase of their life. It is a card of recognition and validation, showing that the querent’s hard work and dedication have paid off.

When The World card appears in a reading, it shows that the querent has achieved a significant milestone or goal. They have completed their journey and are now prepared for the next phase of their life. It is a card of recognition and validation, showing that the querent’s hard work and dedication have paid off.

The World card also represents the integration of opposites and the balance between the conscious and unconscious mind. It is a reminder to the querent to remain grounded and balanced as they move forward in life.

Everyday Uses of The World Tarot Card:

By meditating and contemplating upon the card, we can also use it as a tool for personal growth and development:

Goal Setting: we can use The World card as a tool for goal setting and achievement. It can help the querent visualize their end goal and create a plan of action to achieve it.

Celebrating Achievements: The World card can celebrate achievements and milestones. It can remind us to acknowledge our accomplishments.

Finding Balance: The World card encourages us to integrate mind, body, and spirit.

Embracing Change: The World card can help us embrace change, let go of the past, and move forward with confidence and optimism.

Spiritual Growth: we can use The World card as a tool for spiritual growth and development. It can encourage us to explore their inner world and work towards greater self-awareness and enlightenment.

Final Thoughts

When the World appears in a tarot reading, it is a sign that you have reached a significant milestone in your life’s journey. You have overcome obstacles, learned important lessons, and are ready to move on to the next phase of your life. This card reminds us to celebrate our achievements and take pride in all that we have accomplished.Ultimately, the World tarot card is a symbol of hope and possibility. The card reminds us of our abilities to achieve greatness and shape our own future. If we stay focused, set clear intentions, and take action towards our goals, we can create the world we want to live in.


What does it mean when the World tarot card appears in a reading?

When the World appears in a tarot reading, it is a sign that you have reached a significant milestone in your life’s journey. You have overcome obstacles, learned important lessons, and are ready to move on to the next phase of your life.

What are the key symbols on the World tarot card?

The key symbols on the World tarot card include the four corners representing the four elements, the laurel wreath representing victory and achievement, the woman dancing in the center representing balance and harmony, and the infinity symbol representing the cyclical nature of life.

Is the World tarot card always positive?

While the World tarot card is a positive card, it can also signify a sense of being stuck or trapped in one’s current situation. Here, the card may be a call to break free from old patterns and habits in order to move forward.

How can I work with the energy of the World tarot card in my daily life?

To work with the energy of the World tarot card in your daily life, focus on celebrating your accomplishments, setting intentions for your future, and embracing new opportunities and experiences. Practice gratitude and mindfulness to cultivate a sense of inner peace and balance.

What is the significance of the figure on the World tarot card being surrounded by a wreath?

The laurel wreath surrounding the figure on the World tarot card represents victory, accomplishment, and achievement. It symbolizes the sense of completion and fulfillment that comes with reaching a significant milestone in one’s journey.


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